TN MRB Recruitment 2023/Therapeutic Assistant /Vacancy 67/Apply online Application

TN MRB recruitment 2023 Therapeutic Assistant. Tamilnadu medical recruitment board has been released the notification for therapeutic assistant. Vacancy 67. Tamilnadu government jobs. Age limit education qualification salary details how to apply and other details given below.

TN MRB Recruitment 2023: Table of content :

. TN MRB Recruitment 2023:Therapeutic Assistant vacancy:

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant salary:

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant age limit:as on 01.07.2023:

. .TN MRB Therapeutic assistant:Educational Qualification:

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant:selection process:

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant:how to apply

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant:application fees:

. TN MRB Therapeutic assistant:important date and links:

TN MRB Recruitment 2023 Therapeutic assistant:vacancy:

Total no of vacancy : 67

1.Therapeutic Assistant Male : 36

2.Therapeutic Assistant Female: 31

Category No of vacancy(Male)No of vacancy (Female)
TN MRB Recruitment 2023 vacancy

TN MRB Recruitment 2023:Salary details :

Rs. 18000-56900

TN MRB Recruitment 2023 age limit:as on (01.07.2023)

S. NoCategory Minimum age limitMaximum age limit (SC/ST/SCA/BC/BCM/MBC&DNC)Maximum age limit (OC)
1For all category18NO Maximum age limit32
2Differently Abled Person18NO Maximum age limit42
3Destitute Widow18NO Maximum age limitNO Maximum age limit
4Ex Servicemen18NO Maximum age limit50
Tn mrb recruitment 2023 age limit

TN MRB Recruitment 2023:Educational qualification

Candidate shall posses the following qualification on the date of this notification 20.06.2024

S. NoName of the postQualification
1Therapeutic Assistant Male
Therapeutic Assistant Female
He posses two and half years course in Diploma in Nursing Therapy
Tn mrb recruitment 2023 educational qualification

Conditions and qualification :

a. The claim of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational/ technical qualifications. equivalence qualification, status of disability . status of Ex-Service persons. community and related details etc. are accepted only on the information furnished by them in their online application. without physical verification of their claims. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the board deserves the right to reject any candidature at any stage, even after the selection has been made.

b. If a candidate claims qualification, the onus of providing the same rests with the candidate.

c. Persons with required qualification whether registered in employment exchange or otherwise are eligible to apply.

TN MRB Recruitment 2023:selection process:

. Selection will be based on marks.

. There will be no oral test.

. Duly following the relevant rules of reservation and communal rotation of government of tamilnadu.

Educational qualification Weightage of marks
Weightage of marks
Weightage of marks
Diploma in Nursing Therapy50%30%20%
tn mrb recruitment 2023 selection process

TN MRB Recruitment 2023:Application fees:

tn mrb recruitment 2023 application fees

TN MRB Recruitment 2023: how to apply online application :

Intrested people visit official website home page click online registration then open application form. Select the name of the post and all required particulars without skipping any field. Mobile no and e- mail id are mandatory. And other full details are in notification. Full notification read and follow the procedures then applied.

TN MRB Recruitment 2023: important date and links

Name of the postTherapeutic Assistant
No of vacancy67
Educational qualification Diploma
Job typeTamilnadu government job
Application start date20.06.2023
Last date submission of application(online registration and online payment)10.07.2023
download Therapeutic assistant notification 2023 pdfClick here
TN MRB official
Apply online application linkClick here
tn mrb recruitment 2023 important date and links

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