IBPS RRB XI Notification 2022 Out/ Vacancy 8106/Group A & Group B Clerk – Office assistant Eligibility details

IBPS RRB XI Notification 2022 Out/ Vacancy 8106/Group A & Group B Clerk – Office assistant 

Ibps common recruitment process for Recruitment of officers ( Scale – I, II, &III) and Office Assistant( Multipurpose) in Regional rural bank( RRB – CRB RRB XI). 

Post Name:

1. office Assistant
2. Officers ( Scale – I, II, & III). 

Vacancy: 8106

Total Participate Bank 43. 

Job Type: central government jobs

Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit:( As on 01.06.2022) 

1. Office Assistant: 18-28
2. Officer scale -1: 18-30
3. Officer scale-2: 21-32
4. Officer scale-3: 21-40
Note: The maximum age limit specified above is applicable to general category candidate and EWS Category candidate only. For other categories the following relaxation would appy

Age relaxation: As per government norms

1. SC/ST: 5 years
2. OBC: 3 years
3. PWD:10 years
4. Ex- servicemen: 3 years
For more details, please refer official notification. 

Education Qualifications: Any Degree( As on 27.06.2022) 

( Note: Education qualifications & Experience differ from each post, so refer notification). 

Examination scheme:

1. Online Exam. 
2. Preliminary Exam
3. Main Exam
4. Interview
refer notification for Scheme of examination, syllabus, Negative mark, interview details ) 

Note: No interview for office assistant post

Application Fee: 

Officer scale I, II, III:
Rs. 175/- for SC, ST, PWBD
Re. 850/- for all others
Office Assistant ( Multipurpose) 
Rs. 175/- for SC, ST, PWBD, EXSM
Rs. 850/- for all others. 

Note: mode of payment online only

How to apply:

A candidate can apply for the post of office assistant ( multipurpose) and can also apply for the post of officer. 
However a candidate can apply for only one post in officer cadre, i.e. for Officer scale -I or Scale -II or Scale -III. 
1.Candidate have to apply separately and pay fees/ intimation charge  separately for each post. 
2. Candidate can apply online only. No other mode of application will be accepted. 

Topics Dates / link
Online application start 07.06.2022
Last date 27.06.2022
official website www.ibps.in
Download IBPS RRB XI NOTIFICATION 2022 PDF Click here
Apply online Application direct link click here

The tentative schedule of events is as follows

Also check
Government jobs notification 2022 click here

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